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Exponential family Exponential Family Exponential family is a specific probability distribution of a certain form. In statistics, there are some properties that distributions of exponential family have in common. and lots of familiar distributions including exponential distribution, Bernoulli, Beta, Gamma, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Geometric, chi-squared, normal distribution are the form of exponential family. I.. 2020. 8. 6.
Relationship between Beta distribution and standard uniform distribution Relation between Beta(a,b) and U(0,1) Beta distribution and standard uniform distribution which is a special case of uniform distribution with 0,1 has some relationships. Firstly, Beta(1,1) and U(0,1) look exactly the same distributions and secondly, order statistics of U(0,1) looks same with beta distribution with specific parameters. Firstly, let's take a look at basic information of two distr.. 2020. 8. 5.
(R) list colors of columns in order / character type to factor type list colors of columns in order. *character type to factor type* >library(ggplot2) >library(dplyr)> Ozone_temp_rate%count(Ozone_rank,temp_rank)%>%group_by(Ozone_rank)%>%mutate(per=n/sum(n)*100)> ggplot(data=Ozone_temp_rate,aes(x=Ozone_rank,y=per,fill=temp_rank))+geom_col()> class(Ozone_temp_rate$temp_rank) [1] "character"> levels(Ozone_temp_rate$temp_rank) ------------------no levels because the.. 2020. 7. 30.
(R) Reorder columns in any orders / scale_x_discrete() scale_x_discrete() >library(ggplot2) ------------for 'airquality' data >library(dplyr)> summary(airquality$Ozone) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's 1.00 18.00 31.50 42.13 63.25 168.00 37 > summary(airquality$Temp) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 56.00 72.00 79.00 77.88 85.00 97.00 > airquality_%filter(!is.na(Ozone))%>%mutate(Ozone_rank=ifelse(Ozone Ozone_temp%group_by(Ozone_rank)%.. 2020. 7. 30.