geom_violin is an efficient density graph.
The violin graph is created by mirroring the kernel density curve symmetrically.
It is usefully used for comparing several density graphs without overlapping.
geom_violin() |
geom_density() |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt))+geom_violin() |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=bwt))+geom_density()+facet_grid(vars(smoke)) >ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=bwt,colour=smoke))+geom_density() |
library(MASS) >install.packages(plyr) > table(birthwt$race) 1 2 3 96 26 67 > birthwt$race<-factor(birthwt$race) > birthwt$race<-revalue(birthwt$race,c("1"="white","2"="black","3"="others")) > table(birthwt$race) white black others 96 26 67 |
library(MASS) >install.packages(plyr) > table(birthwt$smoke) 0 1 115 74 > birthwt$smoke<-factor(birthwt$smoke) > birthwt$smoke<-revalue(birthwt$smoke,c("0"="No smoke","1"="smoke")) > table(birthwt$smoke) No smoke smoke 115 74 |
bwt: birth weight in grams.
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt))+geom_violin() |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt))+geom_violin(trim=FALSE) |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=lwt))+geom_violin()+geom_boxplot(fill="black")
You should take account that geom_violin() must be followed by geom_boxplot() if you want to express both graphs.
Otherwise, the violin graph will cover the boxplot.
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=lwt))+geom_violin()+geom_boxplot(fill="black",width=0.1)
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=lwt))+geom_violin()+geom_boxplot(fill="black",width=0.1)+stat_summary(fun=median,geom="point",fill="white",shape=21,size=3)
<from density to count - geom_violin(scale="count")>
Violin graph is a great substitute for other density functions.
However, it can also express count instead of density if you set 'scale="count"' in geom_violin()
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt))+geom_violin(scale="count")
<The way to adjust smoothness>
As you can see below, whether having adjust=1 or not does not affect the smoothness of the graph.
It means that adjust for the density graph is originally set as 1.
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt))+geom_violin(adjust=1) |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt))+geom_violin() |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt)) +geom_violin(adjust=0.5) |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt)) +geom_violin() |
> ggplot(data=birthwt,aes(x=smoke,y=bwt)) +geom_violin(adjust=2) |
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