<Three ways to make a line graph>
> plot(women$height,women$weight,type="l")
> ggplot(data=women,aes(x=height,y=weight))+geom_line()
> qplot(data=women,height,weight,geom="line")
<Three ways to make a point graph on the line graph>
> plot(women$height,women$weight,type="l")
> points(women$height,women$weight)
> ggplot(data=women,aes(x=height,y=weight))+geom_line()+geom_point()
> qplot(data=women,height,weight,geom=c("line","point"))
<Two lines in a graph - Ibs to kg>
> ggplot(data=women,aes(x=height,y=weight))+geom_line()+geom_point()+geom_line(aes(x=height,y=weight/2.205),col="red")
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